Nora Jaccaud
Director / Producer
Nora Jaccaud is a filmmaker best known for her award-winning series, Human Postcards—a collection of hundreds of one-minute films featuring individuals from around the world, sharing their stories and perspectives on life. Her films are celebrated for their humanistic approach and their ability to capture the essence of the people and cultures she encounters.
In addition to her work with Human Postcards, Nora has collaborated on a variety of film projects with a diverse range of clients, including non-profit organisations, commercial brands and creative studios. Through her work, she creates compelling content that tells captivating stories and showcases the beauty of the world around us.
Nora continues to travel and create visual content, utilising her skills as a storyteller to inspire empathy and understanding across cultures. Her work has touched the lives of people around the world, instilling pride in those she interviews and portrays.
Watch her story during this TEDx Talk: YoutubeLink